If it’s on your network, we’ve got you covered. That means any device connected to your router (WiFi or wired) such as: desktops, laptops, tablets, e-readers, iPods, iPhones, Androids, Blackberry phones, Windows phones, video game consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, etc.), smart TVs, streaming media players (like Roku), AppleTV…need we say more?
I Already Set Rules. Why Do I Need Router Limits?
The internet is a universe of information, sound, and images — all pumped into your home at several megabytes per second. That’s a lot of stuff for your family to deal with. Family is so important to us, and we love kids (it’s why we started this whole thing). But we all know kids don’t always do as they’re told. It’s our jobs, as their parents, to help them make the best choices. But we can’t be there, looking over their shoulder, 24/7. But Router Limits can. The system is designed with the flexibility to allow you to choose your own parenting style, then let the tool do the heavy lifting for you. You may want to micromanage every website visited, every hour of the day, for every device on your wireless network. If so, we’ve got you covered with comprehensive scheduling and customizable limits with exceptions of your choice — all implemented on a device by device basis. You may wish to be more hands-off, with only a few guidelines that are set in stone. We can handle that, too. Or, you may want to place no restrictions on internet use, but play the role of silent observer, checking up after the fact to make sure the family is safe — and perhaps learn of some surfing habits that can open up healthy family discussions. It’s up to you. And it’s not just about the kids. Plenty of adults have their own issues, such as screen addiction, pornography, or the simple desire to engage face to face at dinner time. We’re here to help.
Can I see what’s happening at home from my computer at work?
Yep. Even better: with our web interface you have CONTROL and VISIBILITY of your home network from anywhere you have an internet connection. So, if you really wanted to, you could turn off Junior’s access to the web from afar, any time, with or without warning. [Insert wicked cackling.]
What if my clever teenager deletes his browsing history?
No worries. The History tab in the Router Limits interface displays all websites visited, even if a device’s browsing history has been cleared. You can’t be fooled!
My family gives out our WiFi password to friends and visitors. Can I control their experience while they’re on my network?
You sure can — and knowing that you have visibility will hopefully help them make better online choices! (You might want to give them a heads up.)
How secure is Router Limits?
No worries — privacy is super-important to us, so we go to great lengths to ensure your security. Router Limits uses the latest encryption technologies and a built-in secure firewall to protect your network.
I’m not a technical person; will I be able to use Router Limits?
You betcha! We designed this system for you…making it as easy and intuitive as humanly possible. We’ll bring all the cool technology, you just bring your awesome self.
Is there a limit to the number of connected devices?
Nope. We don’t limit the number of devices you can manage with Router Limits.
Are website visits logged when using a private browsing session (such as Chrome’s “incognito” mode)?
Absolutely. If it goes through the router, it’s part of your report. We give you VISIBILITY to all websites visited when using a private browsing session, and even after clearing the browsing history. No making end runs around this system!
Does Router Limits capture sensitive information from my internet communications (such as my bank)?
Nope, not happening! The only transmitted data we capture is the name of the website visited (or blocked), so we can securely report it to you. We believe in protecting your sensitive information, not invading your privacy.
Is Router Limits an internet service provider (ISP)?
No…our system works with your current internet service provider (ISP) and their required hardware.
Is my current Router compatible with the Router Limits Mini?