We all know that clever internet users can cover their tracks by clearing the browser history, right? With Router Limits, destroying the evidence by deleting the trail is not an option! Our system stores your home network’s internet browsing history for you in the cloud, where it can’t be touched by mischievous hands. Reviewing the history is a great way to open up a dialogue with your kids about healthy internet use, providing transparency and accountability.
With anywhere-access to the Router Limits control center, you can check up on what’s going on with your home’s internet when you’re at work on your laptop, away on a business trip, or just at the grocery store on your mobile device. The real-time management tools in the History tab allow you to see all the places your family members have been online, with a detailed history that includes reasons for blocks, attempts to access off-limits pages, and much more. And the picture is always complete — you can see it all, even if a user has cleared their browser history or viewed in “incognito” mode. On the History tab of the Router Limits control center, you can review the history for any device or group of devices to check for suspicious activity, and manage the usage in one convenient place. Mark off which sites are cool and which ones are a no-no, all with the click of your mouse or tap of your screen.
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